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28 Meaningful Michael Jordan Quotes

28 Meaningful Michael Jordan Quotes

There are a few people in the world that have the class to change the course of history with their dedication and self-confidence; one such example is Michael Jordan. The man became a behemoth in a basketball game and changed the overall style and direction of the sport. A black man against all odds becoming a pinnacle of dedication and hard work are the things which the world hasn’t seen before. Just like the Great Muhammad Ali, Jorden, too, has become a star and a hero not only in his own community but for the people across the globe. He is also regarded as one of the best basketball players of all time.

With a height of 1.98 m, the guy, as of 2022, has a net worth of 1.6 million US Dollars. Having played with Chicago Bulls, the great Jorden has won six championships in his career. His classic shots and last moment scores are awe-inspiring and a treat to look at. He is a true definition of its not over until it is over. Michael’s skills and expertise in the basketball game not only earned him great fame but also earned him great respect among his foes and peers. Here we have gathered some of his quotes on Work ethics, Self-confidence, and Success to lift you guys’ confidence. So, buckle-up, and have a read.

14 Quotes of Michael Jordan on Self-Confidence

There is one thing that is very rare in ordinary people and high in leaders, and that is none other than self-confidence. It is the force to be reckoned with; it makes a man resilient and dedicated to his goals. So, what is confidence per se? It is a phenomenon when a human, against all odds, believes in himself; it gives him the power to reach its goals or finish line. Without self-confidence, no one can attain any incredible feat in his or her life.

Michael Jordan is a perfect example of self-confidence, especially for young guns who want to make their name in any sport. Here are some of his quotes on self-confidence to boost your morale. Take a read:

  1. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.

  2. Sometimes you need to get hit in the head to realize that you’re in a fight.

  3. Once I made a decision, I never thought about it again.

  4. Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.

  5. My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, and then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.

  6. Make It Happen.

  7. I’ve never been afraid to fail.

  8. If you quit ONCE it becomes a habit. Never quit.

  9. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you.

  10. Failure is acceptable. but not trying is a whole different ball park.

  11. You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.

  12. The best come from the worst.

  13. If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.

  14. Winning isn’t always championships.

5 Quotes of Michael Jordan on Work Ethics

No doubt, without work ethics and rules, we are no less than animals. Rules, regulations, and work ethics are what separate us from imperfect beings. Even in the depth of great depression and loss, the things which we have to keep with us are morals and work ethics. You create your work ethics and live your life according to them, stick to them no matter the case.

The right person is known for its high morals and works ethics. All societies across the globe focus on ethical values to make an individual and a society great in all manners. See what Michael Jordan has to say about work ethics below:

  1. Work ethics eliminates fear.

  2. The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether its proper technique, work ethic or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, and your job, whatever you’re doing.

  3. I never feared about my skills because I put in the work. Work ethic eliminates fear. So if you put forth the work, what are you fearing? You know what you’re capable of doing and what you’re not.

  4. If you do the work you are rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.

  5. The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether its proper technique, work ethic or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you’re doing.

9 Quotes of Michael Jordan on Success

The one thing which all humans equally love is success. There is not a single being on the entire Earth that hates success or being successful. The passion and joy that success brings are unparalleled and not to be questioned at all. There are many definitions of success; it varies from person to person. Some people deem the accumulation of wealth and money as a success, whereas some call inner peace and self-actualization a success, while, on the other hand, some call the fulfillment of a plan a success. Whatever your definition is, success does bring joy and happiness to the person.

Here are some of the quotes of Michael Jordan on Success, have a look:

  1. “Patience. I will become what I know I am.” – Michael Jordan

  2. “To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.” – Michael Jordan

  3. “Study the greats and become greater.” – Michael Jordan

  4. “I listened, I was aware of my success, but I never stopped trying to get better.” – Michael Jordan

  5. “Some people dream of success. While others wake up and work hard at it.”  – Michael Jordan

  6. “Success isn’t something you chase. It is something you have to put forth the effort for constantly; then maybe it’ll come when you least expect it.” – Michael Jordan

  7. “To be successful, you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate.”  – Michael Jordan

  8. “In college, I never realized the opportunities available to a pro athlete. I’ve been given the chance to meet all kinds of people, to travel and expand my financial capabilities, to get ideas and learn about life, to create a world apart from basketball.” – Michael Jordan

  9. “I’m not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.” – Michael Jordan

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