Premiered almost two and a half-decade ago on NBC, Friends is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and timeless TV shows ever made. Revolving around the lives of six FRIENDS who share great chemistry and when single got each other for a family, the TV show turned Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, …
Nelson Mandela is a vital example of hard work, motivation, and fearless leadership. It was his continuous struggle that laid the foundation of modern South Africa. Mandela was a social rights activist, politician, and philanthropist who became the first black president of South Africa. Many leaders worldwide see Mandela as a major inspiration because of …
It is rarely a possibility that anyone needs an introduction to Robin Williams. He has ruled the hearts of millions around the globe for his exceptional comedy acting and inspirational movie characters. From Dead Poets Society to Good Will Hunting, we all have admired Williams for his heart-winning performances. He also gained worldwide recognition for …
Top 10 Richest MMA Fighters of All Time: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) also known as cage fighting is an emerging form of full-contact combat sports and has become very popular among wrestling lovers worldwide. International Mixed Martial Arts Federation is the highest governing body of the sport and it is played worldwide. Despite the popularity …
Thinking of the time when watching a movie or a series was all about Harry Potter, the memories are still fresh in mind as if we live in that era even today. The world of magic wands sketching a fantasy in our mind while watching any of Harry Potter’s seasons made us have a journey …
Joel Osteen is a televangelist, pastor, and author based in Houston, Texas. He inspires millions of people across the world through live, online, and televised church services every week. Osteen’s televised sermons are seen by millions of viewers in the US and around the globe in over 100 countries. Osteen has also authored several books, …
Socrates was the first moral philosopher and one of the founders of Western Philosophy. He was Greek by the origin and was born around 470BC. He was among the handful of philosophers who took the interpretation of philosophy to another level. He has not written any of his teachings (Philosophy); all information we get about …
Carley Noelle Shimkus, better known as Carley Shimkus, is an American-based TV Correspondent, Producer, News Anchor, and one of the best Fox News reporters famous for her focus on social media and its effects on today’s generation. She is currently working as a 24/7 news reporting anchor. She has been an assistant producer for the …
Mikey Williams is an American-African-based basketball player and social media personality famous for being a part of the United States’ well-known basketball team, “Malcolm Thomas All-Stars,” and getting ranked as one of the top players in the 2023 class. Also, in recent years, he has become a 5-star recruit of the team, where his team …
Kobe Bryant (basketball legend), the name needs no introduction. He was the heartthrob of millions, who took American basketball and “the Lakers” to the next level. His father was also a professional basketball player. Kobe started playing when he was 3 years old. Bryant was one of the greatest players in the history of the …
Have you thought about how much your favorite celebrity is worth in 2022? What kind of cars do they drive? What brand of car and top-speed vehicles have they parked in their garage? What about the price of these luxurious, expensive cars? Many famous celebrities you see on the screen drive some of the world’s …
Famous musician Mac Demarco is well-known because of the massive amount of tracks that he releases almost every year. Moreover, he is famous because he is a part of the LP Rock band and Roll Night Club. Both bands helped him a lot to earn fame and a massive fan following. Also, if you want …
Jeffery Epstein was working in New York as a teacher until he earned the chance to serve at an investment bank, Bear streams. He founded his firm in 1982, where he facilitated multiple people who were earning above $1 million. It is said that he worked outside the U.S. on the Virgin Islands to avoid …
David Andrew Burd, better known as Lil Dicky, is a renowned American rapper and comedian. He is a comic rapper who came into the spotlight when he released the megahit song “Ex-Boyfriend.” Within 24 hours; his track went viral and got more than one million views, for which the artist grabbed international fandom. Afterward, he …
Lil Yachty, age 25, whose real name is Miles Parks McCollum, is an American hip hop recording artist who was born on 23 August 1997 in Mableton, Georgia. He first received recognition for his debut single “One Night” which he released when he was 16 years old; the song has over 8 million views on …
Jeff Dunham, the famous stand-up comedian has built a big bang entertainment empire, while doing non-stop two years touring, over many countries and institutions. He has ten million-plus followers on Facebook. Also, he has two million-plus subscribers on YouTube. The talented comedian/ventriloquist Jeff has built his own unique space in this comedy world since the …