Ronnie Mcnutt was a former soldier who came under the media limelight – when his death live stream went viral on social media. In that video, he bumps himself with a gun. As per his close friend’s statements, Ronnie’s mental health wasn’t on good terms – at that time. Also, Ronnie’s family once admitted him to a mental hospital, but he somehow managed to make them believe that he could live on his own.
Below are some facts related to the whole case of his death, the live stream video, and its controversy. Take a look.

Pictures of Former Solider from US “Ronnie Mcnutt”
How He Died In His Facebook Livestream?
Ronnie came live three times before on Facebook before August 31, 2020, when he performed a violent move with the gun that he had for a long time. Before his death, he stated, “Be the one in someone’s life to tell them that they matter. That they are loved, That they have a future. Be Kind.” Also, as per the police’s and Ronnie’s friend’s statement, the last person Ronnie talked to was his girlfriend.

Pictures of Ronnie Mcnutt Facebook Live Death Video
His Friend Revealed Ronnie Argued With His Girlfriend Before Grabbing The Gun
McNutt had a friend named Joshua who was responsible for taking care of Ronnie’s health. Before he started the live stream, he was with him in the same room, but for some reason, he had to visit the market. When he came back, Ronnie was arguing with his girlfriend and was looking intoxicated.
The next minute – when Joshua was in the kitchen, the former soldier bumped himself in the head. Right after this incident, Joshua ran to grab the police and called the ambulance. But unfortunately, before reaching the hospital, Ronnie died.
Ronnie’s Death Case Was Investigated By Chief Chris Robertson
According to Wikipedia, Police chief Chris Robertson decided to take over the case of Ronnie’s death. He investigated for two days around his neighborhood, names in his phone contacts, and his family members, but couldn’t find anything. The officer was sent by The New Albany Police Department, which is situated near the death site.
Joshua Tried Removing The Livestream From Facebook
After Ronnie’s death, Joshua tried to remove the Livestream from the platform, so that the death of his friend could stay undisclosed. But as per Facebook violence-related rules, the video didn’t have such a horrible act, for which the Livestream started getting viral.
The Death Live Stream Went Viral On TikTok And Shocked People
Ronnie McNutt’s death video went viral on the widely used entertainment application for content creators –, now known as TikTok. Later, people started reposting the video on other social media platforms, and following that, Ronnie became quite popular in the US.
Ronnie Was In His 30s At The Time Of Taking That Abrupt Action
Ronnie was a young man and a former soldier who was only 33 years old at the time of his death. He had been facing mental issues for a long time. And as mentioned above, McNutt’s family once admitted the former soldier – Ronnie, to a mental hospital, but later, they moved him to a flat, where he was locked and bumped off. Well, no one imagined he would go this far.
Summing Up!
There are millions of other people just like this former soldier Ronne McNutt, who are facing mental issues for a long time. Many organizations are working to provide these people with the peace and affection they want. And in case someone you know is going through the same situation, try to understand their mindset while wiping their negativity away.

Pictures of former Soldier who Stream his Live Death Video on Facebook “Ronnie Mcnutt”