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46 All Time Favorite Bob Ross Quotes

46 All Time Favorite Bob Ross Quotes

Bob Ross was one of the highest-paid painters of America and a television host. His television program “The Joy of Painting” made him eminent, and aided him to reach the heart of millions of art lovers. He was the master of the wet-on-wet painting technique and spend his life as a painting instructor. The wet-on-wet technique allowed him to complete a whole painting in less than an hour and astonished his audience to an extent with his skill.

Born as Robert Norman Ross, in Daytona (Florida), on October 29, 1942, Ross has dropped the school in ninth grade. He served in the US Air force where he took his first lesson on painting in Anchorage, Alaska United Service Organization club. According to Ross, he was hooked to painting after the first painting lesson. After returning from the Air force, Ross joined various art schools to satisfy his passion and ended up learning the wet-on-wet technique from William Alexander.

He taught this technique to several friends and colleagues, and in the early 80’s he was given his TV show dedicated to the wet-on-wet technique. The popularity of the show (The Joy of Art) led it to be carried away by more than 275 stations.

Famous Bob Ross Quotes and Sayings to Brighten Your Day

Bob was a famous artist. He wears art and speaks art. His quotes are artistic and leave an impression on the reader. Let’s have a look at some of the legendary quotes from Bob Ross.

13 Bob Ross Quotes on Painting

Bob Ross was a skilled painter and have pursued his passion throughout his life. His quotes on the painting are also very enjoyable so let’s have a look at them.

  1. “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” – Bob Ross

  2. “I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though; I have more fun than most people.” – Bob Ross

  3. “Painting is a nice way to put a happy buck in your pocket, and to make good things happen in your heart.” – Bob Ross

  4.  ”Got to have opposites dark and light, light and dark in painting. It’s like in life. Got to have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come.” – Bob Ross

  5. “Don’t be afraid to scrape the paint off and do it again. This is the way you learn, trial and error, over and over, repetition. It pays you great dividends, great, great dividends.” – Bob Ross

  6. “In painting, you have unlimited power. You have the ability to move mountains. You can bend rivers. But when I get home the only thing I have power over is the garbage.” – Bob Ross

  7. “All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.” – Bob Ross

  8. “I believe I believe every day is a good day when you paint.” – Bob Ross

  9. “I can’t think of anything more rewarding than being able to express yourself to others through painting. Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things, to me, are truly the windows to your soul.” – Bob Ross

  10. “We artists are a different breed of people. We’re a happy bunch.” – Bob Ross

  11. “This is your world. You’re the creator. Find freedom on this canvas. Believe, that you can do it, because you can do it.” – Bob Ross

  12. “We want happy paintings. Happy paintings. If you want sad things, watch the news.” – Bob Ross

  13. “If you study my paintings, there is no sign of human life.” – Bob Ross

10 Best Bob Ross Quotes on The Tree

As an artist, the tree was Bob’s best friend. He was a typical artist who can talk to anything.

  1. “There’s nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.” – Bob Ross

  2. “That’s a crooked tree. We’ll send him to Washington.” – Bob Ross

  3. “Talk to the tree, make friends with it.” – Bob Ross

  4. “In nature, dead trees are just as normal as live trees.” – Bob Ross

  5. “I don’t always paint trees, but whenever I do they are happy.” – Bob Ross

  6. “Let’s build some happy little clouds, let’s build some happy little trees.” – Bob Ross

  7. “Trees don’t grow even, they don’t grow straight just however it makes them happy.” – Bob Ross

  8. “I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though I have more fun than most people.” – Bob Ross

  9. “I have a little family of trees. You know if you have painted with me before, I think everybody should have a friend, even a tree. Even a tree needs a friend.” – Bob Ross

  10. “Trees cover up a multitude of sins.” – Bob Ross

8 Inspirational Bob Ross Quotes on Talent

Bob was a talent bomb himself and appreciated and promoted talent throughout his life. ‘

  1. Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.” – Bob Ross

  2. “In your world, you can do anything that you want.” – Bob Ross

  3. “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb, because that’s where the fruit is!” – Bob Ross

  4. “You can do it! I know you can.” – Bob Ross

  5. “I believe that if you practice enough you could paint the Mona Lisa with a two-inch brush.” – Bob Ross

  6. “I think there’s an artist hidden at the bottom of every single one of us.” – Bob Ross

  7. “It’s hard to see things when you are too close. Take a step back and look.” – Bob Ross

  8. “Didn’t you know you had that much power? You can move mountains. You can do anything.” – Bob Ross

5 Bob Ross Quotes on Mistakes

Ross believed it’s ok to make mistakes and these mistakes are not Mis Takes but an accidental take to make a new take.

  1. “Ever make mistakes in life? Let’s make them birds. Yeah, they’re birds now.” – Bob Ross

  2. “We don’t make mistakes — we just have happy accidents.” – Bob Ross

  3. “It’s the imperfections that make something beautiful, that’s what makes it different and unique from everything else.” – Bob Ross

  4. “There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.” – Bob Ross

  5. “I don’t know if anything in nature ever grows the same, but they are always exactly as the way it should be, perfectly itself.” – Bob Ross

10 Best Bob Ross Quotes Images in 2022

Check out this fantastic collection of Bob Ross quotes wallpapers below:

Bob Ross quote about artist and happiness

Bob Ross quote about artist and happiness

Bob Ross quote about Tree and friendship

Bob Ross quote about Tree and friendship

Bob Ross quote about Practice and Motivation

Bob Ross quote about Practice and Motivation

Bob Ross quote about Painting_1

Bob Ross quote about Painting_1

Bob Ross quote about Painting

Bob Ross quote about Painting

Bob Ross quote about News

Bob Ross quote about News

Bob Ross quote about Motivation

Bob Ross quote about Motivation

Bob Ross quote about Motivation and Inspiration

Bob Ross quote about Motivation and Inspiration

Bob Ross quote about Mistakes

Bob Ross quote about Mistakes

Bob Ross quote about God is always right

Bob Ross quote about God is always right

Death and Legacy:

Bob Ross died on 4 July 1995 from lymphoma. All his paintings were given in charity or to PBS stations. His techniques and “The Joy of Painting” will always be an inspiration to millions of artists. He was a giver and we hope he would be painting vivacious sceneries of heaven.

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