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33 Strong & Inspirational Rihanna Quotes

33 Strong & Inspirational Rihanna Quotes

The quality and success in life solely depend upon the ways we choose to strive for success and happiness in our lives. Robyn Rihanna Fenty, famous as Rihanna, is a successful singer as well as a businesswoman, fashion designer, and actress. She is an inspirational and influential figure for the public due to her attitude towards life and its hard realities. She is the best-selling music artist worldwide due to her versatile singing style and her approach to life. She has won various awards because of her singing talent and motivational approach to success. She is also associated with humanitarian and entrepreneurial ventures. Rihanna’s net worth speaks volumes about her abilities and success.

She remained as an ambassador to promote education, investment, tourism, and women empowerment. She is one of the famous celebrities on YouTube. Her song’s lyrics and inspirational quotes are so influential that they will make you eager for success. Some of these inspirational quotes are as follows:

2 Desperado Rihanna Quotes

Some people enter your life just to create violence and ruin your success by damaging their emotions. They try to infuse negativity in you, which brings you back on the runway of life. Rihanna has said very meaningful quotes about such people, which will aid to come out from the trauma, and it will allow you to absorb positivity, thereby making you determined in your life goals. Some desperado quotes are:

  1. “If you want we could be runaways.” – Rihanna

  2. “There ain’t nothing here for me anymore.” – Rihanna

3 Rihanna Quotes and Lyrics

Rihanna’s singing talent’s versatility and her optimistic perspective about life are evident from the lyrics of her songs. When you see or listen to positive ideas or quotes, these things try to infuse in you and help brighten your personality. You also start thinking in the same ways and get inspired to achieve success in your life. Some of her lyrics are:

  1. “You don’t want to live your life and then meet someone. You want to share your life with someone. That’s what I’m missing right now.”  – Rihanna

  2. “The bottom line is that everyone thinks differently.”  – Rihanna

  3. “I’m crazy and I don’t pretend to be anything else.”  – Rihanna

Besides her singing talent, she also owns a great deal of fortune and is also one of the Famous and Richest Female Entrepreneurs under 35.

4 Rihanna Quotes About Self

The people with confident looks personalities and are audacious in what they are doing. Rihanna is in the top list of confidant and self-determined people. Her quotes about herself are strong proof of her self-confidence because she is never afraid of people what they will think about her. She does what she wants to do, which is the key to success in her life.

  1. “No one can understand the way you’re feeling unless they burn the way you burned.”  – Rihanna

  2. “The minute you learn to love yourself you won’t want to be anyone else.” – Rihanna

  3. “For the first time, I don’t want to get rid of the curves. My body is comfortable, it’s not unhealthy, and so I’m going to rock with it.” – Rihanna

  4. “It’s important for me to know who I am. There is no way for people to know me.” – Rihanna

3 Rihanna Quotes Facebook Covers

Quotes on Rihanna’s Facebook cover also remind us how to love ourselves, see forward in our life, and learn from our mistakes instead of regretting them. Her covers are a strong indication of the reason behind her gained success and positivity in her life. Some of Facebook cover quotes are:

  1. “Her heart told her finally to stop wasting her time.” – Rihanna

  2. “The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” – Rihanna

  3. “Crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain how things made your heartbroken.” – Rihanna

As she is famous, people love to be like her; in fact, she has a doppelganger named Priscila Beatrice.

4 Best Rihanna Feminism Quotes

Rihanna’s quotes about women empowerment and feminism teach all women to stand for themselves. She motivates all the women to feel confidant, beautiful, dignified, and minus the effect of male domination from their lives to make themselves a shining star. Here famous quotes are:

  1. “There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer.” – Rihanna

  2. “I want all women to feel great. We are women and we have challenges. We deserve to feel beautiful.” – Rihanna

  3. “I think women want freedom. They want to be empowered. They want hope. They want love; they want all the things that I want, and I’m not afraid to say those things and act on them, and I think that’s why they identify with me.” – Rihanna

  4. “Be a girl with a mind, a b**ch with an attitude, a lady with class.” – Rihanna

Also read: International Women’s Day Quotes

3 Rihanna Quotes/Lyrics From Her Famous Songs

The quality of Rihanna’s singing talent and her positive perspective and determination about life is evident from her songs. When you see or listen to positive ideas or quotes in her songs, these things try to infuse you and help motivate you. Here are some of her lyrics/quotes from her songs.

  1. “Shine bright like a diamond” – Rihanna

  2. “Cause all of my kindness is taken for my weakness.” – Rihanna

  3. “I choose to be happy.” – Rihanna

5 Rihanna Quotes on Success

Rihanna’s life is a compelling story to make us believe that everything can be achieved in your life through constant determination and perseverance. She also tries to infuse these qualities and thinking in others to motivate them for a brighter life. Some of her quotes on success are:

  1. “It’s nice to look back on your life and see things as lessons, and no regrets.” – Rihanna

  2. “It’s tougher to be vulnerable than to actually be tough.” – Rihanna

  3. “You may never be good enough for everybody, but you will always be the best for somebody.” – Rihanna

  4. “Let go of the things that make you feel dead! Life is worth living!” – Rihanna

  5. “Keep your eyes on the finish line and not on the turmoil around you.” – Rihanna

6 Rihanna Quotes For The Purpose

People like Rihanna, who are successful in the long run, have achieved victory in their targeted goals by improving their attitude towards life. They’ve upgraded their thinking ability to see life from a new perspective and live for a purpose. Here are some of her quotes on purpose.

  1. “I don’t do things for the response or the controversy. I just live my life.” – Rihanna

  2. “If you don’t live your life, then who will?”  – Rihanna

  3. “I’m really looking forward to seeing what life brings to me.” – Rihanna

  4. “Don’t hide from who you are.” – Rihanna

  5. “I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world.” – Rihanna

4 Rihanna Quotes for Captions

Rihanna’s quotes are used as captions on social media platforms including, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because these quotes are the voice of people’s hearts and they make them eager to gain success in life. Some of these quotes are as follows:

  1. “Cause I may be bad but I’m perfectly good at it.” – Rihanna

  2. “I am looking forward to seeing what life brings to me.” – Rihanna

  3. “I am crazy and I don’t pretend to be anything else.” – Rihanna

  4. “You may never be good enough for everybody but you will always be the best for somebody.” – Rihanna

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